
Connect more site and store visits
with mobile ads – and prove it.
Straight Talk is a service provided by TracFone Wireless Inc., America’s largest no-contract cell phone provider in the U.S. Samsung is a preferred OEM of mobile devices for Straight Talk, which is also an important customer for Samsung’s Walmart presence domestically.

The Challenge

While facing a shortened Holiday shopping period, Samsung promoted a new Samsung Galaxy A Series that lacked the awareness and national media of the more premium flagship devices. The goal: Efficiently drive traffic to Walmart and consideration for Samsung Galaxy A Series and Straight Talk with prospects carrying older smartphones by promoting a better value proposition.

The Action

We mined characteristics of the ideal shopper from a demographic and behavioral standpoint. Then, we determined that we could efficiently intercept ideal prospects traveling near high-traffic Walmart locations, and piggy-back on Holiday shopping to-dos with a two-pronged approach. First, to establish product credibility and organic interest, we engaged with YouTube star Tech with Brett. The influencer delivered “straight talk” product reviews to his 250,000 followers as well as original content to aid shopper research and apply to advertising efforts. Secondly, we deployed the hyper-local programmatic digital campaign featuring animated display and :15/:30 video to targeted profiles surrounding neighborhoods of 100 Walmart locations. The stores were geofenced for attribution of the targeted ads converting into actual store visits. And ad creative complemented the in-store display environment for impression continuity.

The Result

Tech with Brett’s review video had over 260,000 organic views on his YouTube channel during the promotional period, performing well above estimate.
The efficiently budgeted ad campaign resulted in significantly higher impressions as well as tens of thousands of actual store visits, at a conversion rate 500% higher than the medium’s performance benchmark.
The variety of data metrics and insights obtained has propelled learning and refinement opportunities in planning for this hard-to-reach audience.