Samsung Display

Prove All Your
Displays Are Up!

Validate execution, issue corrections
and avoid fines across all stores.
Samsung mobile works with carrier brands to support the sale of new devices. Carrier personnel set up in-store displays for product launches. Launch periods are time-sensitive selling windows, and retail presence drives much of the volume.

The Challenge

COVID protocols forced Samsung to engage stores remotely to ensure execution vs relying on field sales. Capo saw an opportunity for Samsung to measure execution on a macro level instead of the typical random audits, which are expensive, time consuming and based on a small % of stores.

Knowing that carriers are also customers, Capo designed a display contest for a store-level prize of “free lunch.” Flyers, shipper box stickers and emails challenged store managers to build the display to spec within a few days in order to get a digital gift card to treat the staff. Managers simply had to send photos of finished displays through our mobile webapp to validate times, locations and opt-ins.

The Result

  • 80% of the carrier stores sent proofs of display, providing far more visibility than via typical store checks
  • Benchmarked the accuracy to planogram without corrections as above retail average* 
  • Raised the accuracy level by 44% due to quickly communicating corrections to stores
  • Program proved to be fast and easy, as no technical issues were reported and average time in webapp was less than 30 seconds
  • Both the carrier and Samsung were appreciative of insights the program uncovered and continue to use it

*A.R.E | POPAI study: more than half of planned displays are not executed accurately or at all